Our volunteers are the heart and soul of HOPE Volleyball SummerFest!


  • Someone who's passionate about making a difference in our community

  • Always happy to lend a helping hand

  • A generous spirit who enjoys volunteering

  • A lover of all things beachy and summer

  • A fan of festivals and fun

  • A bringer of positive vibes!

who we are

Your perfect match!

Volunteer General


  • Orientation and training

  • Special HOPE Volleyball SummerFest Volunteer shirt

  • Lunch during your shift

  • Parking pass

  • Parking pass Access to free shows (once your shift is competed)

  • A fun time and the satisfaction of helping a great cause

  • Note: If you're a high school student, these hours can count towards your 40 hours of volunteer service!

Volunteer Hall of Fame

“Khaled did an incredible job roaming to sell 50/50 tickets [and] sold so much!”

“Beverley went above and beyond ALL DAY. Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!”

In 2025, all Planning Team members and H.O.P.E. staff will be encouraged to give out a Kudos when they interact with exceptional SummerFest Volunteers. We want to show our appreciation for the fabulous folks who give their time and work hard to help make this such an incredible event!


Event Volunteer Job Descriptions

  • All HOPE volunteers receive:
    • Orientation and training
    • Special H.O.P.E. volunteer shirt
    • Lunch during your shift
    • Parking pass
    • A fun time, and the satisfaction of helping a great cause!

    NOTE : Volunteers under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult.

    • If you're a high school student, these hours can count towards your 40 hours of community service!
  • Site Maintenance Hot 89.9 Bar (Friday)
    • Pick-up garbage and recycling items in the HOT Lounge on Friday evening
    • Assist with moving equipment and furniture used in Friday event in preparation for event day
    • All tools needed to perform these tasks will be provided to you
    • This job involves light physical labour; closed-toe shoes are required
  • Scorekeepers Set-Up (Friday)
    • Work with the Scorekeeper leads to set up the tent

    • Prepare clipboards for event day with score sheets and a pen

    • Use an electric ball pump to inflate the HOPE volleyballs and write HOPE (in marker) on every ball

    • Set up scoreboards

    • Set up tables/chairs etc. inside the Scorekeeper Tent

  • Court Set-Up (Friday)
    • Assemble and install "quick set up nets," poles and ropes

    • Tighten nets, pound stakes, install signs and scoreboards, etc.

    • Direction will be provided by the H.O.P.E. Logistics Committee

    • This job requires light physical labour; closed-toe shoes are required

  • Logistics Site Set-Up including Signage (Friday)
    • Set up tables, chairs and signage around the beach

    • Move and position temporary fencing and barricades

    • Hang various H.O.P.E. signage at the gates and other key areas around the site

    • Direction will be provided by the H.O.P.E. Logistics Committee

    • This job requires light physical labour, closed-toe shoes are required

  • Site Maintenance
    • Volunteers will work in pairs - register with a friend!

    • Clean up the beach and parkland by picking up refuse and cans for recycling

    • Monitor garbage cans throughout the site, and let the Logistics Representative know if attention is required

    • Clean up in the VIP and licensed areas if possible (must be a minimum of 18 years old

    • Other site maintenance duties may be assigned by the Logistics or Greening Committees

    • Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes for safety. H.O.P.E. will provide gloves. You are welcome to bring your own gloves if desired.

  • Court Maintenance
    • Work as a team to monitor all the courts on-site

    • Raise fallen nets and adjust sagging nets

    • Report any other court issues to the Scorekeeping Tent

    • Other site maintenance duties may be assigned by the Logistics or Greening Committees

  • Tear Down and Clean Up
    • Volunteers will work in pairs - register with a friend! - and will be assigned to various areas of the event site

    • Tear down the volleyball courts, including collecting and packaging of ropes, stakes, nets, net signs, etc.

    • Clean up the beach and parkland by picking up refuse and cans for recycling

    • Assist with the tear down of the licensed areas. Duties will include stacking of tables and chairs and, if possible, bringing tables and chairs to main licensed area by the hill 

    • Other site maintenance duties may be assigned by the Logistics or Greening Committees

    • This position requires some light lifting and carrying of equipment. Closed-toe shoes are required

    • Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes for safety. H.O.P.E. will provide gloves. You are welcome to bring your own gloves if desired.

  • Greeters

    Greeter Volunteers fall under the Security Committee and will assist hired security at the Gate. 

    • Volunteers will work in pairs - register with a friend!

    • Greet patrons in and around the gate

    • Provide direction to the appropriate bag check lane outside of the gate

    • Help direct patrons through the bag check process

    • Provide site information and direction; hand out event guides

    • Report safety and security concerns to Security Committee/hired security/police

    • Make your smiling face the first face people see!

  • Volleyball Scorekeepers – Corporate and Competitive

    Scorekeepers interact with the players on a Competitive or Corporate court. No experience is required – training will be provided. All courts will have a HOPE Committee Member to assist you. 

    • Have an understanding of HOPE tournament rules. Training will be provided

    • Make sure the generic score sheet is filled out. All necessary information will be provided

    • Start and end games on time, as dictated by the on-beach announcements

    • Award points to the appropriate teams on the score sheet provided and ensure both Team Captains sign off on the final score

    • Ensure each score sheet is returned to the Scorekeepers’ Tent immediately after game is over to be entered into the computer system

  • Court Runners
    • Support the Scorekeepers and court coordinators by running information, water, equipment, etc. to and from the volunteer Scorekeeping Tent. No experience is required – training will be provided.

    • Regularly circulate through designated court areas to ensure volunteers have what they need to complete their role (i.e. drinking water, equipment) and report any observed issues

    • Provide breaks to Scorekeeper volunteers as needed 

  • Data Entry (Scorekeepers)
    • Receive score sheets from the Court Runners after each game and enter into the database

    • Manage the input of final scores in computerized spreadsheet for Competitive or Corporate Divisions

    • Double check with Scorekeepers to resolve any discrepancies

  • Scorekeeping / Support Staff
    • Some volleyball experience would be helpful for this role; training will be provided.

    • Maintain a general information desk in the Scorekeeping tent and Scorekeeping Committee by fielding general questions from players, visitors and spectators, and provide information on tournament rules.

    • Liaise with the self-refereed recreational courts to ensure there are no issues with rules, players, court set up, or equipment, and retrieve score sheets for the Scorekeepers’ Tent

    • Circulate through all the court areas to ensure Scorekeeper volunteers have what they need to complete their role (i.e. drinking water, equipment) and report any observed issues

  • Volunteer Tent

    The Volunteer tent is the first point of contact for most Event volunteers (approximately 700).

    • Check-in volunteers when they arrive, hand out T-shirts, lunch coupons, concert bracelets and site maps

    • Connect volunteers with their contact person and/or help them find their location onsite

    • Hand out water and provide general support for Event volunteers

  • Information Tent/Registration Tent/Catch the Ace Sellers

    The Information Tent is the information hub for attendees who have questions or are seeking assistance. Volunteers in this area will have a good knowledge base about HOPE Volleyball SummerFest and will manage the following tasks:

    • Support the Team Kit pick-up process (morning shift only)

    • Maintain a list of spare players and players wanted

    • Be prepared to answer FAQs from visitors

    • Maintain a Lost and Found

    • Sell concert wristbands, promote Catch the Ace ticket sales, and check I.D.’s to administer age of majority wristbands

    • Maintain the information booth and help tear down at day’s end (afternoon shift only)

  • Food Distribution

    • Help set up the lunch area

    • Assist with the preparation and distribution of prepared lunches for volunteers and participants

  • Food Unloading
    • Help unload food items from the refrigerated truck to the food tent 

    • Assist in the food tent to help distribute lunches for volunteers and players as needed

  • Food Runners
    • Volunteers will help transfer food and other supplies between the VIP and main food tent

    • Assist in distributing lunches for players as needed

  • Bar Service - HOT Lounge

    Volunteers will work in the HOT Lounge, sponsored by The New HOT 89.9

    • Validate Age of Majority of patron prior to selling alcoholic beveragesVerify acceptable Age of Majority Identification and apply “I.D.” bracelets

    • Serve beer, liquor, and non-alcoholic beverages

    • As HOPE has gone 100% cashless, use “Point of Sales” (POS) hand-held machines for all sales. Training will be provided 

    • Process payments or refunds

    • Other bar duties may be assigned by the Bar Committee

      Steps for Reimbursement 

    1. Register and pay for Smart Serve certification training prior to the event. Keep the invoice as proof of registration and payment - https://smartserve.ca/ 

    2. Complete and pass certification training prior to the event. Keep a copy of the e-certification.  

    3. Complete volunteer shift(s) at HOPE Volleyball SummerFest. At the end of your shift, you must check out with the Bar Committee.

    4. Complete the reimbursement request form provided by H.O.P.E.

    5. Send completed form and receipt of proof payment to info@hopeottawa.com. Reimbursement will be sent via e-transfer to the email address you provided in your reimbursement form. H.O.P.E. must receive the completed form no later than 30 days after the SummerFest event. 

  • Bar Service - VIP/Main Bar

    Volunteers will work in the VIP and/or Main Bar in the concert area.

    • Validate Age of Majority of patron prior to selling alcoholic beverages

    • Verify acceptable Age of Majority Identification and apply “I.D.” bracelets

    • Serve beer, liquor, and non-alcoholic beverages

    • As HOPE has gone 100% cashless, use “Point of Sales” (POS) hand-held machines for all sales. Training will be provided 

    • Process payments or refunds

    • Other bar duties may be assigned by the Bar Committee

    Volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years of age to sell and serve alcoholic beverages. For this area, volunteers should be comfortable in dealing with the public, being in large crowds, and using hand-held technology. Closed-toe shoes are recommended.

    Smart Serve Ontario certification is required to work in a bar; H.O.P.E. will pay for Smart Serve training for eligible volunteers. Volunteers who successfully pass the Smart Serve certification training and complete their volunteer shift(s) will be reimbursed by H.O.P.E. within 30 days AFTER SummerFest. The process is outlined below: 

    Steps for Reimbursement 

    1. Register and pay for Smart Serve certification training prior to the event. Keep the invoice as proof of registration and payment - https://smartserve.ca/ 

    2. Complete and pass certification training prior to the event. Keep a copy of the e-certification.  

    3. Complete volunteer shift(s) at HOPE Volleyball SummerFest. At the end of your shift, you must check out with the Bar Committee.

    4. Complete the reimbursement request form provided by H.O.P.E.

    5. Send completed form and receipt of proof payment to info@hopeottawa.com. Reimbursement will be sent via e-transfer to the email address you provided in your reimbursement form. H.O.P.E. must receive the completed form no later than 30 days after the SummerFest event. 

* Children aged 15 and under may volunteer when accompanied by an adult guardian, in all areas except the licensed areas. Children aged 16 and above are welcome to volunteer for their school hours in all areas except the licensed areas. Make sure you bring your school volunteer hours form to the volunteer tent when you check in, to get signed.

group volunteering

Are you a business or organization looking for a memorable way to blow off some steam with your team, put some sweat equity into a great cause, and support 5 fantastic charities?

Participating in HOPE Volleyball SummerFest can provide you and your colleagues with an opportunity for team building, boosting camaraderie, and having a fun day outside the workplace. We are looking for partners to volunteer as a group for our Friday set up activities throughout the day. After you and your team give your valuable time, we can offer great incentives to enjoy during Game Day on Saturday. Your team can keep the fun in the sun going and sign up to play in the volleyball tournament, too! We would love to set up a call with you to discuss how a group volunteering arrangement would benefit your organization.

Get in touch with us at HOPEvolunteers@hopeottawa.com

Looking for a more premium experience for your colleagues?

We also offer the “Friend of H.O.P.E.” CORPORATE EXPERIENCE, which offers on-beach promotion opportunities for your organization and a VIP volleyball experience.