HOPE Scholarship in Memory of Sarah McKinnon Awards $1,000 to Promising Student at Algonquin College

Each fall, the legacy of a devoted volunteer, Sarah McKinnon, is celebrated at Algonquin College as the HOPE Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student in the Event Management Program. This year, the HOPE Board is delighted to announce that Japnishvinder Kaur is the recipient of the $1,000 scholarship.

Over 25 years ago, the community lost a passionate and dedicated volunteer, Sarah McKinnon. In her memory, HOPE received generous donations and established a fund that has been carefully managed by the Ottawa Community Foundation (OCF). The OCF is a pivotal charity within the charitable sector of the National Capital Region and beyond, strengthening and empowering other charities through engaged philanthropy, strategic granting, social infrastructure building, and community leadership.

This year, the OCF recommended Japnishvinder Kaur as the scholarship recipient. As a student in the Event Management course, Japnishvinder has shown exceptional dedication and skill, embodying the spirit of community service that Sarah cherished. Her commitment to excellence is evident in her academic achievements and her proactive involvement in community initiatives. Japnishvinder's passion for event planning and her visionary approach to creating impactful events have set her apart as a leader among her peers.

"The HOPE Scholarship not only recognizes academic and professional promise but also celebrates the spirit of community service that was so important to Sarah," says HOPE members, "We are thrilled to support Japnishvinder as she progresses in her career, knowing she carries the same passion for making a difference in the community."

This scholarship is more than financial aid; it encourages students to pursue excellence and community service in their careers. Algonquin College and HOPE continue to uphold the values Sarah McKinnon stood for by investing in the futures of promising students like Japnishvinder.

With the Ottawa Community Foundation's support, the HOPE Scholarship aims to inspire and assist more students in the future, keeping Sarah McKinnon’s memory alive through each scholarship awarded. The Foundation, known for its efficient, inclusive, and diverse giving platform, supports all charitable causes by helping philanthropic-minded citizens craft their legacies and enhance the community.

For more information about the HOPE Scholarship or to contribute to the fund, please contact the H.O.P.E. at info@hopehelps.com or visit the Ottawa Community Foundation website. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students and honor the legacy of those who have paved the way for future generations.

Photo of Lisa Hollingshead, Event Coordinator; Japnishvinder Kaur; and Mary Ellen McDonald, HOPE Treasurer.